When deciding whether to establish your business in the UAE Mainland or in one of its Free Zones, it's important to consider factors such as the relevant licensing authorities, business setup costs, approval processes, and regulatory frameworks. For expert advice and assistance in navigating these choices, it's advisable to consult with experienced business setup specialists in Dubai.
Visa requirements vary depending on the type of company you wish to form. For a Mainland company, company management and key personnel will need to obtain a resident visa. Only after this can you proceed to hire employees for your business. For Free Zone companies, visa issuance is subject to approval by local authorities, based on the company size and specific regulations. If you're setting up an offshore company, however, a resident visa is not required.
The costs associated with setting up a business in Dubai depend on various factors such as the nature of your business, the type of license you need, and your chosen location. To ensure that your setup is cost-effective and compliant with local regulations, it is recommended to seek guidance from professional business consultants in Dubai.
Setting up a company in Dubai involves several costs. These can include the business registration fee, initial approval charges, visa applications, trade name registration fees, office space leasing, and any other necessary permits. Each of these costs should be carefully planned for, to ensure a smooth and successful company formation process.
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Ask for a free Consultation
The first step towards launching your business might stand as a challenge. Comes YABS UAE, and you can forget all your worries about the business setup in the UAE. Our team of experts will guide you through the company setup intricacies and make the process so much easier for you. You just need to sit back and relax while we take care of your business setup needs.
The legal structure should be in sync with business activities. Choose from different company types that are part of Mainland, Offshore, and Free Zone.
In order to operate a business in the UAE, you will need to set up an office space. You need to get approvals from DED for land regulation authorities.
You may need to get approvals from different government departments to access the business space and start your business. Any approvals left should be taken care of immediately. Post this, you will get the trade license from DED.
The first important step for business setup in the UAE is to identify the business and which jurisdiction you would be targeting.
Determine Legal Structure
The legal
structure should be in sync with business activities. Choose from
different company types that are part of Mainland, Offshore, and Free
Select a Business Name
Choose a name for your business. It should be aligned with the business you want to setup and should not be controversial.
Obtain initial approval from Government Authorities
As a business owner, you need certain approvals from DED or Local Authorities to set up your venture.
Complete MOA or Local Service Agent Agreement
Complete and sign Memorandum of Association (MoA) or local service agent agreement (LSA) for different company formations.
- Limited Partnership - Limited Liability Company - Public Joint Stock Company - Private Joint Stock Company.
Finalise Business location
In order to operate a business in the UAE, you will need to set up an
office space. You need to get approvals from DED for land regulation
Get DED and Other Approvals
You may need
to get approvals from different government departments to access the
business space and start your business. Any approvals left should be
taken care of immediately. Post this, you will get the trade license
from DED.
Company Setup
Also called as onshore companies, mainland companies have access to the local market and businesses outside the UAE. Get a DED license for your Mainland company and spearhead your business in the right path.
Free Zone
Company Setup
Setup your website in any of the 40+ free zones in the UAE and get 100% foreign ownership, 0% corporate tax, and 100% repatriation of funds.
Company Setup
Offshore companies can’t do direct business in the UAE. However, you can be a shareholder in a local mainland or free zone company and conduct business on part of the subsidiary company.